
March 1, 2022

Episode 6: Left Behind - What is a Calling?

This week on the REVcovery podcast Sarah and Justin chat a bit about what it means to be called. It is a bit of a free ranging discussion because the term "calling" or being "called" isn't easy to pin down. Even so we think i...
Feb. 22, 2022

Episode 5: Interview with Maher Salhani

This week we welcome Maher Salhani to the REVcovery Room! Maher has been a mechanic, apologist (for both Islam and Christianity), pastor, all around great human, and CEO/Co-Founder at Rising Culture Consulting. We were deligh...
Feb. 18, 2022

Bonus Episode: Speaking in Church with Justin Gentry

As a Friday treat we have a Bonus Episode from one of our Irreverent Media partners, Speaking in Church! In this episode (recorded September 2021) Josephine Jael Jimenez and Spencer Rose interview Justin Gentry on doubting as...
Feb. 15, 2022

Episode 4: Left Behind - Did I Waste My Life?

This week we ask the question that seems to haunt everyone who leaves a calling; did I waste my life? This question can leave you in an unhealthy place far longer than necessary and also can torment you many years after you w...
Feb. 8, 2022

Episode 3: When did you know - Sarah's Story

Welcome to this week's REVcovery! In this episode Sarah shares about her career in ministry, the many interests and influences that have shaped her story, and why she eventually had to walk away from fulltime ministry. Sharin...
Feb. 1, 2022

Episode 2: Justin speaks out.

Welcome to this week's REVcovery! In this episode Justin is in the hot seat as he shares about his childhood calling, seasons of doubt in ministry, and ultimate exit into full-time corporate work. Sharing our stories isn't al...
Jan. 25, 2022

Episode 1: I've Left Ministry, Now What?

In this debut episode Justin and Sarah talk about life after ministry and what a shock the "real" world is when you have been behind the stained glass windows for so long. Leaving ministry is a scary experience and we want to...
Jan. 19, 2022

REVcovery Trailer