
March 21, 2022

In Defense of Running from the Cops

If you've ever wondered what to say to someone whose response to another cop committing murder is "shoulda complied", I got you covered. Turns out our bodies are programmed to protect us from danger. Weird, right? And even mo...
March 14, 2022

Protests Are Good, Actually

Why do people protest things that are objectively good for themselves and their neighbors? Let's look at protests through the lens of evolutionary biology, nervous system responses, politics, nd power dynamics. History has sh...
March 7, 2022

Self-Regulation, Racism, and Rest

Today we're talking about rest, sleep, and play, and how they are all integral to self-regulation. Humans don't come fully loaded with equal amounts of self-regulation that some people just choose to use and others don't. Mak...
Feb. 28, 2022

Self-Medication and Degrees of Harm

Welcome back to White Homework! I want to break down some of the common racist myths that exist in western culture. This week: DRUGS! Let's use address one of the most common racist tropes in US culture: conflating problemati...
May 26, 2021

029: Let's Talk About Palestine w/Khaled Beydoun

If you've listened to the last two episodes with Andre, you know I've been wrestling with what it looks like to respect all people while also acknowledging that power disparities have an impact on how we engage with harm. I s...
May 19, 2021

Part 2! The Morality of Resistance with Andre Henry

When we see injustice in the world and want to fix it, how do you keep from becoming the thing you hate? I can't stop thinking about this so I invited Andre Henry back to discuss how we create a better world without, as Audre...
May 12, 2021

027: The Morality of Resistance with Andre Henry

There are a lot of ways to protest and trying to figure out what the appropriate violence is feels overwhelmingly difficult. When the state is inherently violent, how are people committed to non-violence supposed to respond? ...
May 10, 2021

026: Leaving Whiteness w/ Corey Evan Leak

Thanks all for your generosity and patience as I'm getting stuff situated over here!! I had a conversation with Corey Leak about how we left white Jesus and moved into a space that is committed to material equity. We need cre...
May 10, 2021

025: A Brief History of White Evangelicals w/ Dr. Brad Onishi

This week, I had a conversation with Dr. Bradley Onishi. Brad is a professor of religious studies at Skidmore College, and the host of the podcast Straight White American Jesus. I think it would be safe to say - and I've told...
March 18, 2021

024: White Christian Nationalism with Blake Chastain

Hey y'all! Had a great conversation with Blake Chastain several months ago about the slow merging of evangelicalism and nationalism. We're currently watching evangelicalism in the US move from being a religious or spiritual i...
Feb. 24, 2021

023: Liberation is for Everybody w/ Jo Luehmann

Taking a little break from our "racism doesn't exist" series to talk to Jo Luehmann about justice, joy, liberation, and accountability. I reached out to her originally because I am obsessed with her work around decolonizing t...
Feb. 17, 2021

022: What Racism? Part 3: Hiring Discrimination

Alice joins me to talk about the abundance data proving the rampant discrimination in hiring and employment. "There are way too many Black men named Steve." I yell out into the universe while lecturing people about... name sh...
Feb. 10, 2021

021: What Racism? Part 2: Housing Discrimination

OMG WE HAVE A NEW FORMAT!! I'm really excited. I mean, it's possible that we COMPLETELY bombed it but at some point we'll get it under control and it'll be a good thing. Get ready to talk about housing discrimination (and jav...
Feb. 3, 2021

020: Medical Racism

Happy Black History Month! This week we're starting a new series! We're calling this one "Racism Doesn't Exist" since so many white Americans believe that racism ended with MLK. So we're diving into the data and examining the...
Jan. 27, 2021

019: Black Conservatism

Contrary to popular belief, Black Americans are more socially conservative on average, than their white peers. We are more likely to believe in God, attend church regularly, and most of us believe that hard work is it takes t...
Jan. 21, 2021

018: Sex Work Is Real Work

Alice and Tori talk about how we are learning how respect sex workers and protect them from both dangerous people and dangerous policies. Executive Producers Jeffrey Martin Nate Frazier Producer Jillian Cohan Martin Audio Pro...
Jan. 13, 2021

017: Well That Was Easy (The Coup)

Alice Hamilton and I sat down to discuss the attempted takeover of the Capitol in DC. A note of caution: language is terribly important . Alice and I use the term "coup" as a catchall throughout this episode to refer to the e...
Nov. 25, 2020

016: Let's Talk About Defunding The Police

Alice and I decided to tackle something that's become a huge part of the national narrative: why have cops at all? We have pretty clear data that policing does not work. Policing is a net negative for communities, but it's al...
Nov. 18, 2020

015: Black People & White Supremacy

Tori is joined by Alice Hamilton to discuss the reclamation of Black humanity in a country founded on white supremacist values. They discuss the ways that whiteness collides with Black bodies through assumptions, dehumanizati...
Oct. 28, 2020

014: Purity Culture & White Supremacy

Tori is joined by Alice Hamilton and Hailee Evelyn Greene to discuss the ways that purity culture plays out for Black girls in predominantly white spaces. Executive Producers Jeffrey Martin Nate Frazier Producer Jillian Cohan...
Oct. 22, 2020

013: Trump Vs Black Women

Tori and Alice discuss Trump's executive orders targeting Black women's work. Executive Producers Jeffrey Martin Nate Frazier Producer Jillian Cohan Martin Audio Producer and Editor Nash Propst Artwork by Slade Sundar www.sla...
Sept. 24, 2020

012: America is NOT a Democracy

Tori and Alice dig into American history and the fact that the United States was never intended to be a democracy and can't operate as a functional democracy because of that. The article discussed in the episode Executive Pro...
Sept. 9, 2020

011: Re-Imaging Success with Dan Price

On this episode, Tori is joined by Dan Price, CEO of Gravity Payments. Dan Price took a million dollar pay cut in order to pay all of his employees $70,000. His attempt at creative imagination paid off. Antiracism requires ne...
Sept. 2, 2020

010: Pro-Life Racism

Alice joins Tori to talk about the ways the pro-life movement has been fueled by racism. Last week at the RNC, Abby Johnson spoke. She released a video a few months ago where she claimed that police would justified racially p...