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Well done today
This was very spot on. There are so many scriptures and stories in the Bible that don’t seem to support one’s idea of “goodness,” and for me it became difficult, then impossible to make the puzzle pieces fit together. I stopped teaching Sunday school and stepped away from organized Christian religious practices for many years. I look forward to your future insights on this topic. Thank you from NC

I have listened for a few years now and understand the need to grow and expand. I’d love it if you dropped the half episodes though. I’m not planning to subscribe and find the commercialized content to be enough and the half episodes to be off putting. Playing what you can in full is fine and leave out the rest.

Such a great podcast-informative and hopeful
I aways look forward to Brad and Dan’s conversations.

Expectations blown away
Amazing discussion and insight on American politics and religion in America. Highly recommended

One of my favorite podcasts. I listen every week! It is very informative and well thought out. I would highly recommend!

Thoughtful discussion and great guests
I’ve been listening now for months and decided to subscribe to support the podcast. Really appreciate the thoughtful informed discussions and focus on unmasking roots of white Christian nationalism in our political system as well as the connections with people and organizations that I didn’t know about. I feel a lot better informed and aware.

OOAK Christian-nationalist analysis
Up-to-date, scholarly reporting and analysis about Christian Nationalism with a special focus on its current rise in power in US Politics. Essential Listening!

Great pod
By far my favorite podcast out there! So grateful for all of the amazing coverage.

Interesting and Thoughtful
I have been listening to SWAJ for a while now as a paid subscriber. Brad and Dan bring a scholar’s mind to the ways right wing Christian movements are shaping culture, media and politics in ways not seen before. They do this while being really engaging and always interesting. This is essential listening if you want to understand the power and influence of Christianity in America. I truly appreciate and love what they do.

Empathetic and Informative discussion of Religion and Politics
I love this podcast. I learn so much especially from the It’s in the Code and Weekly Roundup series’s - they help me understand my past and present, respectively!

Great pod!
Great podcast! The perspective from two ex-evangelicals on what is going on with the intersection of religion and politics is incredibly eye opening and informative. I appreciate all of the work you do to get this information out to the public!

Brad explains Glory Alleluia
Trump with status of the divine. ‘Going to be a soldier of the army of the lord.”

What have they done to Jesus?
Brad and Don explain how fundamental churches have twisted an anti-Christ theology in the name of Christ.

Love this podcast!
I love this podcast, it helps me stay informed and feel less crazy as someone who was raised fundamentalist and sees what’s happening. One request: please reconsider your partnership with Better Help. They are a highly unethical company who have many sketchy business practices, including selling customer information. As a mental health professional who wants everyone to have access to good mental healthcare, it pains me to still see so many people taking ads for Better Help.

It’s unbelievable the mind bending the right is doing without batting an eye 😠

Inside information
This podcast helps me understand why the Christians think they’re so right while being so wrong about so many things

Love this show!
As a atheist in northern Indiana life gets more than a little lonely at times so this podcast is a welcome couple minutes of sanity and more importantly… truth. Thank you guys.

Love this podcast!
As an atheist and someone who feels my freedom FROM religion is under pressure, I’m glad I found this podcast. Knowledgeable hosts, with more biblical background than I have, discussing today’s political landscape + Christian nationalism. No hyperbole but thoughtful examination.

Excellent podcast
So thankful for this podcast! I’m a Christian, and appalled by many of my friends’ political views. Many others have given similar review. Read theirs, I agree.

Thank you for speaking the truth!
I’m a 75-year-old woman who listens to your podcast religiously. Dad was a dedicated Christian minister with a childlike faith. Mom had a Master’s degree in theology and fought for women’s rights. They taught and showed me how to be a disciple of Jesus, loving others as I love myself, treating others with dignity and respect, giving to others with money and time, being tolerant of others with a willingness to listen and learn, praying for opportunities to serve others, and being filled with an overwhelming attitude of gratitude for all my many blessings. Mom often said, “God is love. Love one another.” Thank you for keeping me informed and for giving me hope!

The MOST informative Podcast I have found!
One of the FEW podcasts I’ve found that seems to understand the whole picture, and presented in a thoughtful manner without any foul language! Thankyou for the meaningful work you do and your careful scholarship! Addition: Why are you putting out podcasts that are exact repeats of a previous podcast? It’s a waste of listeners time!!

There are no “rust” states
Thank you for your podcast. Please do not use the phrase “rust belt” to refer to the beautiful states in the eastern I80 corridor. The phrase feels very pejorative and disrespectful to this (an other) proud residents of this part of the country. “Industrial Midwest” would be an acceptable alternative. Thank you.

Re: Episode 107 -- The MAGA Republicans are opposed to all DEI, but isn't Dei a Latin term for God, as in Opus Dei? (A very conservative Catholic group with which Kevin Roberts, Leonard Leo, and J. D. Vance are all affiliated)

Extremely insightful
This podcast is research-backed and presents a critical take on the alarming rise of Christian nationalism in this country. The hosts have their finger on the pulse of American politics and the intrusion of extreme Christian nationalist views into our laws and schools. And everyone, be aware the name is meant to be deeply IRONIC. I’m seeing a lot of people on social media not getting that….😬🙄

I fear for society because people are easily brainwashed 😵‍💫

…what recent actions of SCOTUS give you the hope you have???

Wrong on the Immunity Case
Normally I have a lot of respect for this podcast. But your discussion on the Friday show about the SCOTUS Immunity ruling was way off base. Go listen to Amicus or Strict Scrutiny. You aren’t lawyers as far as I know. You do much better when you stay in your theological lanes. This show was a disaster.

You couldn’t make this stuff up
Entertaining in its depiction of white Christian nationalism in the USA. The title says it all.

Great podcast and important discussions
This podcast is a great ongoing discussion about what’s happening in our country, exposing what the Christian Nationalist movement is doing to undermine the foundations of our country and their attempt to take over our institutions and force their narrow view of Christianity on the rest of us.

Overall, really good, but
i really appreciate the hosts’ and guests’ work to analyze and educate on a variety of subjects. i’ve learned a lot, and the hosts come across as clever, caring, and funny people with good intentions and a passion to share vital knowledge. thank you for that, genuinely. there are some things i would change, but i do not hold ill will even with my critiques. i feel like they’re a little out of touch with disabled people; i think they should speak about ableism more and keep our experiences in mind. on a related note it does trouble me that the conference they promoted earlier this year (?) had many people attend but no mask requirement; this is a safety hazard, especially to those with immune issues who come into contact with attendees. i’d like to hear more discussion of palestine. i know, it’s focused on usa politics, but i also know that the usa is funding violence there. it upset me to hear no mention of the recent attacks in the humanitarian area, killing displaced civilians in cold blood, during this weekly round up. biden saying he would only withdraw support if a ground invasion took place certainly seemed noteworthy to me. sometimes the pre interview talks gets a bit long- i think i would rather hear the notes on it at the end, actually, so i get the context behind it first. since the additions to paid only content, there have been some really abrupt ends to episodes. i’m sometimes left a bit startled and disoriented. i’d like less jarring outros, please. 😅 still, i appreciate the work and hope the best for you. thank you.