Season 1

July 15, 2020

008: Shared Humanity with Propaganda

Tori is joined by hip hop artist Propaganda to talk about power dynamics, rejecting force and violence, and choosing collaborative problem solving within a white supremacist framework. Executive Producers Jeffrey Martin Nate ...
July 8, 2020

007: Shared Value with Rev Lenny Duncan

Tori is joined by Rev Lenny to talk about the ways in which he (a Black pastor) and she (a Black atheist) share values and vision for creating a more just world. Ultimately wanting a world that protects the vulnerable is what...
July 1, 2020

006: Black on Black Generosity with Steve Zakauni

This episode Tori talks to Steve Zakauni about Black generosity, anti-Black tropes, and all of the white assumptions that come up during national Black grief. Executive Producers Jeffrey Martin Nate Frazier Producer Jillian C...
June 17, 2020

005: Respectability Politics

Tori is joined by Alice Hamilton to discuss the moving goal posts for Black and brown humanity. We break down the impossible tasks of achieving full humanity within the construct of whiteness through behavior modification and...