36 - Baptized in Teargas with Elle Dowd

This week, we were joined by the author of the newly published book "Baptized in Teargas," Elle Dowd. She is a bi-furious recent graduate of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and a candidate for ordained ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The three of us talk about going from being a white moderate to a liberation minded abolitionist and how we can help support each other in the fight for justice for all. We are all vulnerable in this conversation and Josie even offers white people some forgiveness and grace (say what?!). It's a conversation that may surprise some, but will definitely feel familiar to others.
For all things Elle: elledowd.com
Order her book: broadleafbooks.com/store/product/9781506470429/Baptized-in-Tear-Gas
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For more of Josie: instagram.com/josietakestheworld | twitter.com/josietakesthe
For more of Spencer: instagram.com/spencerose | twitter.com/snoble_