Season 1

April 20, 2021

48. Jackie Gronlund on Making Space for the Journey Home

Content Warning: You may feel your own trauma activated by some of the content of this episode. It discusses eating disorders, body image disorders, and mental illness, so please listen with awareness. Listener discretion is ...
Nov. 3, 2020

30. The One Where Artist Scott Erickson Makes Space for Wonder.

Sometimes we have to make space for wonder, but how do you do that with things that are familiar? This week we talk to visual artist/spiritual director Scott Erickson about how to make space for wonder even during seasons you don’t enjoy. The conversation goes everywhere from why people don’t re…

Oct. 27, 2020

29. The One Where Rob and Rob Explain our Common Threads

Is it possible to use research to make space for people? A couple of years ago Pastor Rob Rynders set out to answer that question and ended up creating Social Thread a group for people who are looking for community. Social Thread seeks to help people be…

Oct. 20, 2020

28. The One Where Sarah Begins Her Airstream Dream

A brief announcement as Sarah begins her Airstream Dream with an epic road trip. 

To get in touch with us follow us and

Oct. 13, 2020

27. The One Where Rev. Mandy McDow Makes Space for the Things That Are Not Negotiable

What if churches were serious about not having walls? This week we talk to Rev. Mandy McDow the lead pastor of First United Methodist of Las Angeles a completely outdoor church. We often talk about churches without walls, wel...
July 14, 2020

20. The One Where Sarah talks with Colby Martin about Shifting Beliefs

What do we do when making space for ourselves and others creates a massive shift in our belief system? How can we hold onto our belonging and identity when everything feels like it has shifted? I am grateful to Colby Martin the author of “the Shift”  and for this conversation about shifting…

July 7, 2020

19. The One Where Sarah Talks To HerDesk Creator Dana Bakich About Creating What You Need Most.

I don’t know about you, but I think we all have those friends who make us believe the things we thought were out of reach or impossible are completely attainable, Dana Bakich is one of those people for me. Maybe it's because I have watched the musical Hamilton every day since it came out, but I …

June 30, 2020

18. The One Where Sarah Talks to Musician Drew Brown About being a Peace Maker

Friends today on the podcast I am delighted to share with you my friend Drew Brow. Drew is an artist, advocate, pastor, poet, songwriter storyteller. As a musician he has played everywhere from large festival stages, churches, concert halls, pubs, and holding house concerts across the country. D…

June 25, 2020

16. The One Where Sarah talks to Dave Harder and Bryce Dymond about Shifting Churches to Community Spaces

There is no denying that 2020 has been the year of disruption-  some much needed disruption. As systems of privilege are being called out through the work of Black Lives Matter and Covid 19 is teaching us that our health is tied to each other we are rethinking what community looks like and …

June 23, 2020

17. The One Where Sarah Talks to Urban Planner Jenna Tourjé about Making Spaces with People not just for People

Today I am excited to introduce to you my friend Jenna Tourjé. Jenna is an urban planner, facilitator, and community builder. She walks with communities on the path to making healthy, whole, and equitable places. Her goal is to make spaces where everyone belongs, and is involved in shaping the f…

June 9, 2020

15. The One Where Sarah Talks to Pete Enns and Jared Byas about Making Space for Differing Opinions

We live in a time that is very polarized and differing opinions seem to be suspect. We need to figure out a way forward, but it seems hard to do if we can't even have a conversation, and we debate only happens from behind computer screens. There are people trying to create spaces where differing…

June 2, 2020

14. The One Where Sarah Talks to Poet/ Musician/Artist Morgan Harper Nichols About Creating Space for One Story at a Time

Friends, you may already know the work of this week's "Making Spaces Podcast" guest Morgan Harper Nichols. Her well known instagram poetry/visual art is signed with the simple letters MHN.  Morgan is an incredibly talented creative. She is a poet, a musician, and a visual artist. Each piece…

June 1, 2020

13. Special Episode- The One Where Sarah Talks to Pastor Lamont Hartman About Justice and Solidarity

Friends Episode 13 is a special episode about making space to engage the topic of racial reconciliation. Episode 14 will be released on the usual day (Tuesday) with artist Morgan Harper Nichols. 

For this episode I am grateful to Pastor Lamont Hartman for being willing to record a qu…

May 26, 2020

12. Maker's Edition- The One Where Sarah Explains Why Putting Wheels on 100 Year Old Pews Is a Good Idea

You asked so here is the answer.... What's the deal with wheels on your pews? How does that make space for people? How on Earth did you convince people that this was the way forward?  This is a practical episode about what it means to move from "Do It Yourself" to "Do It Together."


May 19, 2020

11. The One where Sarah talks to Mike McHargue about Feelings and not Physics

I am delighted to share this week’s Making Spaces conversation with Mike McHargue (a.k.a Science Mike.) Mike is one of my best friends, and I always walk away from our conversations feeling grateful for time spent in deep conversation punctuated by a lot of laughter, and this conversati…

May 12, 2020

10. The One where Sarah talks about Craft Beer, Jazz and Design with Christian Piatt

What do jazz, craft beer, life on the autism spectrum, and an old auto shop in Texas have to do with making space? Turns out everything! 

I am excited to share my conversation with my friend Christian Piatt. Christian is an author, podcast editor, and the owner, desig…

May 5, 2020

9. The one where Sarah talks to Jen Hatmaker about making space for our true selves.

Friends I am so excited to share with you my conversation with my friend Jen Hatmaker. If you don’t know Jen’s work- she is a speaker, hosts a really great podcast "For the love," runs an onli…

April 28, 2020

8. The one where Sarah talks about Mental Health with Robert W. Lee during a global pandemic

A lot  of us can relate to a heightened feeling of stress, and general anxiety during this Covid 19 crisis, but for those who already experiencing mental health issues this time may only exacerbated already difficult symptoms. As a culture we have a lot to learn about making spaces for peop…

April 21, 2020

7. The One where Sarah talks to therapist Elyse Snipes about why we all need a trailer to unpack our baggage (metaphorical and literal.)

Who transforms a 1953 trailer into a therapist office and podcast studio?? The one and only Elyse Snipes. ⁠ This week I am excited to share with you my conversation with Elyse Snipes creator of Radical Wellness Collective. This conversation was so helpful! As an Enneagram four, this lady leads w…

April 14, 2020

6. The one where Sarah talks to Designer Jessie McLaughlin about shame free design.

This week I am excited to share with you my conversation with Jessie McLaughlin the creator and designer behind Jessie Lane Interiors in LA. Her work includes bold colors and original multipurpose furniture. Jessie and I talk about how dental office design was influential in her life, why we som…

April 7, 2020

5. The One where Sarah talks to a curator of spaces for entrepreneur women.

This week I got to chat with the amazing Joanna Waterfall. Joanna is the Founder of Yellow Co, an organization birthed from an idea that struck her one day while she was in the shower. With a degree in graphic design and digi...
March 31, 2020

4. The One where Sarah talks to a therapist about closets

 This episode was recorded before we were asked to shelter in place, but I think it has some great things for us to think about as we create space for others, or look for spaces to invest in. I am excited for you to hear my conversation with Candice Czubernat, LMHC, MFT an incredible therap…

March 24, 2020

3. The One where Sarah talks to Designer Riley Hall

I am so excited to introduce to you Riley Hall a dear friend of mine, and an incredible designer. Riley "creates space" as a designer in the staging industry. He knows what it takes to make a space seem intentionally styled, but approachable. Our conversation went everywhere from how to lay out …

March 17, 2020

2. The One about the Pandemic with Rev. Jeremy Smith

Nothing like launching a podcast about the need for proximity while a pandemic is causing us to have to have to distance ourselves, but during this time there are unique ways to continue to  “make space” for connection and community that could last longer than the outbreak itself.
