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Can't say enough good things about this pod!
Whewww man. I am so thankful for Tori and Justin and their ability to bring humor to bear in these dark times. Love their informative but casual conversations – I just get frustrated that I can't engage in them in real time 😂 got a whole lot of thoughts about the most recent episode with Transvangelical on James, my goodness. Great work all, keep it up – you are needed voices in the exvangelical community and beyond. 💛

Irreverent and Real
As a former evangelical turned atheist myself, I appreciate the irreverence and thoughtful analysis of the Evangelical world. It’s good to have people who were inside the system and broke out, help point out how weird the system is from the outside.

Buy 1 insight, get 3 jokes free!
This has been my go-to podcast for the last year since I ran across it. Even when covering really heavy topics or bible stories, Tori and Justin know how to bring both nuance and levity. The latter of which gets dialed up to 100 for the I-can’t-believe-we-were-taught-this stories that are somehow canon compliant. As someone who has struggled with what to do with everything I learned and was steeped in my whole life (like the worst kind of tea), this podcast has helped me so much in reminding me that I’m not alone in this process. I highly recommend to anyone who understands the ADHD urge to argue both sides, enjoys dark/twisted jokes, and swearing while working through your own deconstruction process.

Make the Bible Gay Again
These atheists have brought the Bible back to life.

For those of us who took it VERY seriously
After having left the faith over 10 years ago, I didn’t immediately take the time to process how batsh*t crazy some of the teachings of Christianity really are. Tori and Justin have actually done something really unique here - So many others in this space primarily focus on the current perversion of the American church at large without diving into how the underlying scripture and doctrine of the religion itself is… well, drunk, to put it mildly! It would be all too easy to veer into a cynical nihilistic tone, but they manage critical discussion of the text while extending empathy to those who still live under its weight - because most of us used to be those people, after all! I can’t recommend this one enough. It’s well worth your time.

So smart and insightful
I’m love this podcast so much. I relate with Tori so much as I had the same upbringing and experience she talks about. I love the pointing out of hypocrisy and digging into the stories we grew up with and thinking about them critically.

Entertaining, Raw, Insightful
Real and open discussions about what many of us were raised to believe was true and right that turned out to be…not so true and quite often, very very wrong. I enjoy the intellectual discourse and appreciate the personal anecdotes the hosts share (so appreciated ep.86, especially after 19:40). It shines a light on how NOT normal the things I’ve left actually were. It’s a whole new, beautiful world out here!

Youth pastor approved
As a ghbyd appointed youth pastor, I strongly support this podcast. In all seriousness… this is my go-to podcast when I need something funny yet deep, intelligent yet approachable, with a big dose of validation for my childhood self who was forced to take in Bible stories without an ounce of a critical lens. Although many who have left the faith will find this gratifying and hilarious, I also recommend it for those who know nothing about the Bible especially progressives who haven’t been deeply exposed to white evangelicalism, as Tori and Justin also give a great perspective on modern evangelicalism, it’s far reaching grip on our culture, and a peek into some of the ways Christians use this 2000 + year old book of texts to justify their whims and policies.

So many good feels!
Love everything thing about this pod! I was basically born in the pews. It’s been a couple years now that I’ve stepped back from all that and hearing these stories from this perspective is wild! I have had some real good laughs though. It’s really been a delight while trying to process all that is deconstructing.

Deacon-struction drinking junction
Tori and Justin have great chemistry and the theological chops to dunk all day on the church, evangelical theology, and mix it up with the cross section of power, justice, and other touchy topics while keeping the mood light and approachable while God is being a Bad Father and drinking about it. Keep it up guys!

I could listen to this podcast all day. I actually have before. And I send it to everyone. It confirms so many of my thoughts and feelings from the past. I feel so much more empowered and validated after having this podcast in my life!!

If Y’all Held Church, I’d attend
I like that you talk about what’s actually in the Bible and then dunk on it. …On second thought I’ll consider this my weekly sermon. Preach on!

Love it. Getting a lot of flashbacks from 20 years in the church.

Great exvangelical/deconstructionist podcast!!!!
Each week I look forward to Thursday because that’s when a new episode drops - it’s a highlight of my week!!! After I finish with a new episode, I oftentimes go back to listen to old ones because I love the content so much and relate so hard. Lol Tori “boycotting Disney is so worn out” 🤣🤣

So good
One of the best and realest Bible deconstruction shows out there. I’ve learned so much.

Fantastic for former religious kids
The hosts are a former pastor/seminary grad and a former fundamentalist evangelical who grew up reading the entire Bible every year as a child. I grew up in a super Christian family but am a big asker of “why” and that always got me in trouble in Sunday School. A lot of things about the Bible didn’t make sense to me but you’re taught to keep the faith and that God is too great to fully comprehend and understand. Now that I’ve left the faith and am recovering I look back and find the Bible to be hilarious. I love the way the hosts can poke fun at the ridiculousness of Bible stories. These are not just atheists bashing it for a laugh, but people who have a deep knowledge of and relationship with the book. Thanks for the cathartic listen. I’d also recommend the podcast Counter Apologetics if you want great logical arguments against all the insane stuff you learned as a Christian. It’s much drier but great if you’re in the mood.

Honesty about biblical stories & ridiculousness of religion
The hosts have an easygoing vibe and friendly banter. I only knew the most general stuff about bible stories, and I found it fascinating to hear more of them in detail, especially with the historical knowledge and background. My only request would be to keep the “like”s and “that’s valid”s and “fair, fair”s to a minimum.

Really enjoying this podcast
This podcast is giving me a helpful way to look at the bible. It amazes me how much I did not grasp about the bible when I was a Christian because I was trying to believe the “correct” things.

OMG! This is a BRILLIANT podcast, I am so glad I found it.

Being a non-believer
Totally great listening. Sometimes I get really drunk.

Very entertaining
Love the background of both the host. Coming from an evangelical background and rehearing all these stories that I grew up with in a different light is….not always Comfortable. However it’s funny, it’s informative and it’ll make you reflect on a lot of these stories we’ve heard growing up. Thanks y’all for doing this podcast!

Funny, irreverent, enlightening, and important
Tori and Justin have become guides for me as I’ve reshaped my relationship with the Bible after deconverting. I finish every episode grateful that there are others who are re-thinking things in the same way that I have. You will laugh, learn, and fall in love with the hosts and guests!

Answer to my “prayers”
I only recently discovered podcasts about deconstruction (having only recently realized that there was a word to describe my experience over the last 10ish years). I’ve listened to so many great ones but “Go Home Bible” is absolutely what I was looking for without even knowing it. The content is so good- it’s thought provoking and also entertaining. I feel understood, less alone on this weird journey and totally, completely validated. I’m obsessed.

Learn about Bible stories from a secular perspective
This is a great podcast for those who want to introduce their teens to Bible stories from a secular perspective— and also immunize them, so to speak, from biblical literalism/inerrancy evangelism

Best Kind of Conversation
I grew up in the American evangelical/fundamentalist homeschooling subculture, and while I walked away from Christianity in my early twenties, many of my friends from then didn’t. This podcast feels like the conversations with friends that I wish I could have been a part of. The hosts excellently articulate and explore many of the same questions I also faced (e.g. power versus goodness in the Job episode).

Like therapy but free
Funny, interesting and therapeutic!

Humorous, delightful take on the Bible
Entertaining content for those who want to take a more critical look at the Bible. I personally appreciate this content because it gives a more sensible and sane perspective on the formative Bible stories heard at a younger (and more gullible) age. This podcast is a healing ointment and a good time!

How dare they... these ancient texts with context and understanding of cultural references from the times they were written in? What gives them the right to articulate the holes in these old stories? Who do they think they are providing such thoughtful exegesis of the writings while providing fun banter to go along with? Ok, I’ll bite...